Dress loudly

Ever worn a t-shirt of your favorite college football or basketball team? Or maybe it's a polo shirt with your church’s logo. I have a couple family reunion t-shirts and a couple from my church as well. Think about how many times someone made a comment to you because of what was written on your t-shirt or your hoodie or your hat. What if we could use our clothing to help us once again re-engage with our world concerning the most important question in all of human history: who is Jesus?

I am hoping this collection of products will inspire us and motivate us and just maybe give us the opening we need to once again begin to engage with our world. We Christians, need to get back into the conversation. Look around you, the world is not doing very well without us. We need to be relevant again. The simple truth is, only our solution [Jesus], will work.

God bless you all and remember: Just Live It Loud!

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