About us

We have one mission: to inspire all believers to Just Live it Loud. If our products encourages believers to live loudly for God, we have accomplished our task.  

So who are we? What denomination do we belong to? Are you kidding me? This is not a denominational thing: We are Baptist, Methodists, Presbyterian, Adventist, Anglican, Episcopalian, Charismatic, Nondenominational, Lutheran. We may differ on some things (and oh, by the way, we are no longer going to let those differences define us), but we all believe Jesus is the ultimate solution and as we begin to shine the light of God's love into this world we can finally begin to push back against the darkness.

  • Michael Daley is the President and CEO of Just Live It Loud LLC. His background is in Finance with an MBA from Keller Graduate School. He recently received a Master of Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. His passion is to see Christians re-engaging our communities and our world with the message about Jesus.